Winners 2019

Up to 25 ft
Nordkapp Noblesse 660
The Nordkapp Noblesse 660 is the first boat of this new design line by Espen Thorup. You will probably quickly recognize several typical Nordkapp de details, but new items also gives the impression that the boat is designed for the future.
Winners 2018

Up to 25 ft
Bella 620 Cabin
Bella 620 C is a sensible boat for ferry and leisure use with features for a number of purposes and conditions. It complements Bella’s cabin cruiser range and offers many clever solutions for cabin cruisers more than 6 metres in length
Winners 2017

Innovation Award
Volvo Penta - Easy Boating
Over the last few years Volvo Penta has put a lot of effort into „Easy Boating“. Spearheading products such as the IPS, joystick control, an easy-docking-function or their new battery mangement system have made life aboard for many people more comfortable, easier and safer.
Winners 2016

Up to 25 ft
Four Winns V 255
The Four Winns Vista 255 scores with clever ideas and being very family friendly. The manufacturing is well done and the handling characteristics are excellent.
Winners 2015

Innovation Award
Evinrude E-Tec G2
Evinrude provides new life to its 2 stroke engines of the second E-Tec generation. While other manufacturers distance themselves from this technology, Evinrude managed to decrease the emission values, without loosing the benefits of a 2 stroke engine. Furthermore they offer a 5 year guarantee, which displays the excellent quality.